Nature Articles

TAFU’s Nature Articles

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Green-eyed Flower Bee – July 11th

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Red Squirrel – July 10th

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Greenfinch – July 8th

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Yarrow – July 7th

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Silver Birch – July 6th

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Long-tailed Tit – July 5th

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Blue Tit – July 4th

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Herb Robert – July 3rd

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Common Nettle – July 2nd

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Common Buzzard – July 1st

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Coal Tit – June 30th

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Long-Eared Owl – June 29th

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Buff-tailed bumblebee – June 28th

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Chiffchaff – June 27th

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Barn Swallow – June 26th

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Common European Adder – June 25th

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Stag Beetle – June 24th

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European Blackbird – June 23rd

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European Robin – June 22nd

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Red Kite – June 21st

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Rough Marsh Mallow – June 20th

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Black Medick – June 19th

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Red Fox – June 18th

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7-Spot Ladybird – June 17th

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Badger – June 16th

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Grass Snake – June 15th

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Grey Wagtail – June 14th

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Common Starling – June 13th

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Song Thrush – June 12th

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Oxeye daisy – June 11th

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Eurasian Magpie – June 10th

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Speedwells – June 9th

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Common Swift – June 8th

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Greater Whitethroat – June 7th

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Roe Deer – June 6th

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Great Bittern – June 5th

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Nuthatch – June 4th

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Cinnabar Moth – June 3rd

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Common Hedgehog – June 2nd

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Yellow Warbler – June 1st

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Common Blue – May 31st

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Pied Wagtail – May 30th

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“The River’s Daughter” – July 28th

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Green Elysia – July 28th

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The Common Woodpigeon – July 11th

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The Metaverse – February 23rd

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Kingfisher – December 16th

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Exploring the Neretva Valley with Mr Ilić – December 16th

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Grey Seal – September 16th

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Fire Salamander – November 15th

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Ruby-throated Hummingbird – September 11th

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Black Stork – August 12th

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Nose-horned viper – August 12th

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Mediterranean house gecko – August 10th

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Donkeys – August 8th

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Agave – August 1st

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European striped shield bug (italicum) – July 24th

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Common Fig – July 18th

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Bottlenose Dolphins – July 12th

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Palm Moth – July 9th

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Great Capricorn Beetle – July 4th

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Blue sharks – July 1st

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Hermann’s Tortoise – July 1st

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Common Cicada – June 28th

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Ring-necked PheasantJune 26th

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European Rhinoceros Beetle – June 25th

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Gypsy Moth – June 15th

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Violet Carpenter Bee – June 14th

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Hornet Mimic Hoverfly – June 1st

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