Tackling the Digital Divide

Tackling the Digital Divide

We believe in the power of technology to transform lives. We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new initiative, aimed at empowering the elderly, disabled, and lower-income youth with essential digital skills. Through our TAFU student chapters and in collaboration with BCS student chapters, we are committed to reducing the digital divide and fostering independence and engagement.

Bridging the Digital Divide

Our courses are designed to provide foundational computing skills that are essential in today’s digital world. Learning essential skills, such as safe use of emails, cyber security on various platforms, and use several essential apps. A significant focus will be placed on cybersecurity and online safety to ensure everyone can navigate the digital world safely and securely.

Where and How We Teach:

To ensure accessibility, we will conduct sessions at convenient community locations. Additionally, we aim to reach out directly to communities with lower-class youth and other groups that are typically less digitally equipped.

Why It Matters:

This initiative is a core part of TAFU’s mission to make technology accessible and beneficial for all. Providing knowledge of these essential skills, not only makes a significant difference on an individual level, but also contributes positively to societal growth. We believe that everyone deserves to be part of our increasingly connected world, and through this program, we are doing our part in making that a reality.

We are currently working on tackling the digital divide in collaboration with the UoB BCS Student Chapter. Please find out more here.

© 2021-2024 TAFU is a registered charity in England and Wales 1207526