Pied Wagtail

Pied Wagtail

As we approach TAFU’s Local Wildlife Day on the 11th of July we are starting a daily series of mini-articles on some of the local wildlife

We will start with Local Wildlife in our own gardens in the UK midlands, encouraging everyone of you all across the globe to do the same, send it to us and we will publish it on TAFU’s website and TAFU’ s social media.

Starting off with … 🥁 … the Pied Wagtail, which I’m sure almost all of us have seen! We have another 42 species to go through before the 11th of July, and can you believe it? We have them all and more in our own garden… so stay tuned!

The Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba yarrellii) is a small bird that is characterised by its distinctive black and white plumage and constantly wagging it’s long tail. Commonly found across the UK, Pied Wagtails live in a variety of environments, including urban areas, farmland, and wetlands. They are known for their energetic movements, darting about in search of insects, which comprise the bulk of their diet. They always look especially light on their feet.

During winter, Pied Wagtails often form large roosts in city centres or reed beds to keep warm and safe from predators, such as hawks and owls. Though they are classified as a green status species in the UK, they are an especially cute inhabitant of our local environments and should most definitely be cherished!

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