Christine Sonvilla BCS Award

Christine Sonvilla

Christine is an Austrian professional and award-winning photographer, filmmaker and writer focusing on nature conservation and wildlife topics. Her work revolves around advocating nature issues and raising environmental awareness. She uses photography, film, text and presentations to speak in nature’s favour, hoping that she can make a contribution towards a society that perceives nature (again) as valuable and considers it as an integral part of decision-making and everyday life.

Christine was born in Klagenfurt/Austria. She obtained a master’s degree in German philology in 2006 and a master’s degree in Biology with a focus on marine biology and nature conservation in 2009 attending the University of Vienna, Macquarie University Sydney and University of Queensland.

Travelling, exploring other countries and nature experiences have been her passion ever since. Whilst still enrolled in university, she was eager to start a scientific career. Towards the end of her studies, however, she realized that „being out there in the field“ and working creatively by using photography, film, writing and speaking suited her far better. Since then, she has been working on sharing her wildlife adventures, on bridging the gap between science and public and on making nature matter.

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