If you think you are a good fit for this role please contact us at info@teensandfriendsunited.org
- All volunteers are to act in accordance with the role they have accepted to do for TAFU and passing the views and way of the organisation and its president.
- Country/language-speaking countries representatives are to translate posts that are made in English to their language/s and post it, as agreed with president, in environmental groups in their language/s. They are also expected to translate website content into their language/s.
- All projects and plans are welcomed and desired; however, they must be done in agreement with the president and not of self-initiative.
- All country/s representatives are to represent their country/s and not others. They are to copy from the English/French sides and to reproduce the same content in their own language. Representatives for countries and languages are needed, not to contribute on the English or French groups/sites/pages etc., but however, to replicate the same on their language’s groups/sites etc.
- Nobody is allowed to open any accounts on behalf of TAFU, unless approved in writing by the president.
- In any accounts that have been approved, all posts must be approved.
- Nobody is allowed to talk on TAFU’s behalf, unless specifically agreed in writing.
- No fundraising is allowed, under any circumstances
- No self-promotion or marketing
- No criticizing or favouring or humiliating activists that participate in TAFU’s project, or anybody else, on TAFU’s behalf
- TAFU has nothing to do with money and never will have
- No protests are allowed to be done on TAFU’s behalf
- No other violent acts, bullying, discouragement or favouring one activist over another are allowed
- Every volunteer will have to identify themselves with their ID
- TAFU (Teens and Friends United) reserves right and ownership of TAFU’s website and all social media, groups etc, “Eco-patrol”, “Art for Nature”, “Great Attenborough Clean-ups” and “Thank you, Sir David Attenborough” pages and groups and anything related to them, are all part of TAFU. Nobody is allowed to act on behalf of any of these name’s, in ownership of TAFU, unless they were given permission in writing.
- Please bear in mind that volunteers are not paid
- And please do not forget our goal is to act and do, to raise awareness of personal responsibility and common sense & to be genuine and transparent.
- TAFU is not responsible for any of our volunteer’s actions or misrepresenting TAFU or their work that they have stated they are doing on TAFU’s behalf
- Any recommendation from TAFU is only valid if it is given directly from us to the institution or person that requires it
- Any documents presented to anyone that were not given from TAFU directly or TAFU’s email are not valid
- TAFU cannot be held responsible for anybody attempting to falsify documents
- TAFU cannot be held responsible for publishing and advertising actions that our volunteers told us they have done
- TAFU reserves right to edit terms and conditions at any time if there’s a need to do so at any times