About us

Daniela Vordermaier
Representative for German-speaking countries
My name is Daniela Vordermaier. I am a 25-year-old language and music tutor, nature and animal lover from Salzburg/Austria and live in the Scottish Highlands where I love spending my free time in nature hiking through the glens and hills of the area, watching the local wildlife and enjoying the fresh breeze around the Scottish
lochs and sea.
Having always had a strong connection to the natural environment where I feel most at home and deeply rooted, I am very passionate about preserving what Mother Earth has given us and about playing my part in making our planet a cleaner and healthier place, supporting all the creatures, plants and animals which are living and growing on it, in their wellbeing. I am very happy about being a part of TAFU and excited to support this wonderful nature conservation organisation in my new role as a representative for German-speaking countries.

Daniela Vordermaier