Eco Patrol

Eco Patrol

Eco Patrol is a very simple process! All you need to do is: see it, recognise it, document it and send it to us!

Eco Patrol‘s aim is to eliminate illegal/non-managed rubbish dumps worldwide. Any type of pollution should be reported and we will try to organise it to be cleaned, either by the local government or a sponsoring company, where possible volunteers too. This is our first goal with Eco Patrol. The second is to stop making these dumps. If we stop breaking something, we won’t need to fix it. So, why not stop breaking our ecosystems? Just put it in the recycling bin! Only 45.5% of household waste was recycled in 2019! If we recycle everything that can be, it will cost us less to buy products and find materials. So, we must fix the damage done and stop any more happening!

Please ask your family, friends and colleagues to join in helping our planet! Individually it might seem like we are not doing much, but join us all together, united😃 we are going to be a living organism native to all continents.

© 2021-2024 TAFU is a registered charity in England and Wales 1207526